Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 11 Welcomes New Members

Two new members of Chapter 11 Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club were inducted as members of the chapter on April 13, 2013 during the regular stated meeting.  Brothers Mark Walker, P.M. and Brother Larry Stephens are the two newest members of Chapter 11.  The Brethren of Chapter 11 WELCOMES the new members and look forward to getting in the wind with them.

            L-R: Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, Vice President Chapter 11, Brother Mark Walker,
            Brother Larry Stephens.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Chapter 11 Attends Master Mason Degree

On April 6th, 2013 several members of Chapter 11 made the trip to West Fork Lodge No. 648 to assist in the conferral of a Master Mason degree.

The weather was beautiful, the food was great (as always at West Fork Lodge), Fellowship was awesome, and the love for Freemasonry was very much alive and present.

L-R: Jerry Dale Asberry-Vice President, Daniel Mata-Secretary, 
Keith Byrd-President, Johnny South-1st SGT at Arms, 
David Oppenheim-Treasurer.