Sunday, January 13, 2013

Three Degrees ........... Not Just for Boys

The Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club (TDMMC) is not just for Master Masons.  As a Master Mason's wife endures many evenings, nights, and weekends away from her husband while he is away working with his lodge, the TDMMC allows for a Master Mason's significant other to participate in most club functions.  We believe that family is a big part in a successful Mason's career and believe she should be allowed to support him and the fraternity as an active part of the club.  So Brothers, if you are interested in joining Chapter 11 of the Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club and would like for your wife to assist in our charitable efforts, click on the "Return to the Chapter 11 Webpage" link below and look for the "How Do I Join" link or send an email to:   We look forward to hearing from you!!

The Ladies patch of the Three Degrees Masonic Motorcycle Club

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